Monday 17 December 2012

Christmas Message from CEO

As we head towards Christmas and New Year, it’s time to think back to all the good intentions we had at the start of 2012 – and to reflect if we met them head-on or if like many resolutions, they were sometimes broken.

I know I always begin the year with great plans to look after myself better, see my friends more often, regularly remind my family I love them and to sort out the annual accumulation of paperwork, old clothes and junk that ‘grows’ in my house. Whatever our best intentions, we will sometimes fall short of our own expectations and I’ve learnt it’s best not to beat ourselves up too much about it. Take stock of what’s most important and focus on those things. I’ve tried to spend more time with my elderly relatives this year because that time is precious. I am always surprised at the snippets of information about their lives they share with me, which although small, are sometimes a revelation!

Like most of us, I know some of those closest to me are stretched financially with rising utility costs this year. One auntis hesitant to run her air conditioner on hot days so this Christmas I’ve offered to help with her bills so she can survive the heat. That gives me peace of mind. I call her regularly as well to make sure she’s ok and though we don’t live close to each other, she always gets pleasure from that simple phone call.

It’s the little things we can do in the holiday season that can make a real difference to others. Inviting neighbours in to enjoy some respite from the heat in your air conditioned home after a prolonged hot spell. Driving or walking around the  neighbourhood with young children (and the young at heart) to look at the Christmas lights. This holiday season, why not take the time to think of others less fortunate and think about ways to brighten their day. It doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate. Even an invitation to share a few minutes over a cool drink or a cup of tea with a neighbour may give them more joy than you can ever imagine. It’s the season to count our own blessings – giving fromthe heart is often appreciated much more than from the pocket.

Best wishes to all our members and friends for a safe and happy Christmas and New Year from the team at MedicAlert Foundation. We look forward to staying in touch in 2013.

Sandra Turner

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